Rocky Mountain Raceway Park
May 23, 2009
After a couple years of not racing at "The Rock" we are back!
Rick & Cliff showed what they were made of tonight with a 1-2 finish in the IMCA Stock Feature!!
Medicine Hat Speedway
May 30, 2009
Getting close …. The team did some good racing and were very close to a good set up. Then just before the Main Event Rick’s #66 got a flat tire while in the line up. After pulling out of line and getting the tire changed, (only to find our that in our panic the WRONG tire was put on. The corners were real good and fast, but sliding sideways on the exit. Survived a 5th place finish.
Bridge County Raceway
June 20, 2009
First night on the Lethbridge track this year and was it rough. The #66 had the wrong gears and Rick tried to stay on the outside to keep up the RPMs. He finished 2nd and 3rd in the heats and finished second in the main but was penalized for jumping the start and moved back to 5th
Bridge County Raceway
July 4, 2009
Jeri was not here as she went to Tania’s wedding . Congratulations Tania and Lonny!!! The weather was threatening but it held off long enough for us to get a good night of racing in. Great lightning after the races. Close racing … Rick won one heat race and got 6th in the other. In the main event he moved from the back to third and then his engine started acting up Cliff was parked in the infield and looking back, he should have joined him but he finished sixth. Was it worth burning up 5 pistons??? Cliff had a bent valve and the oil light wire had come off.
Bridge County Raceway
July 18, 2009
Great night of racing ….. hot weather and hot cars Cliff got put into the wall headon by a very over aggressive #45 Kel Rudy and hurt his neck and back again. They were able to get the car repaired enough for him to finish the night off, pretty sure that there is not another crew in our series that could have done it, but then nobody compares to Red Rabbit Racing. Unfortunately in the Main Event, Cliff’s #87 may have lost the transmission….. But he still finished 7th. The #66 won a heat and 5th in the other heat. In the main Rick started outside pole and shortly into the race I ended up spinning out the leader #98 Ron Mc.... I am so sorry I drove thru him and that was wrong I ended up getting a rolled up black flag warning and there was no yellow so he never got a chance to catch up. SORRY RON!!! Mike Elmer #45B was out for the first time with some problems but he drove the car on the trailer. Rick ended up running into him AFTER the checkered flags dropped. Rick was racing Dale #54 for 2nd place and for some reason Mike slowed down right in front of him…. Rick had to go on the topside of Mike and there was just NOT enough room and ended up colliding tires…. Wrecking both the #66 and #45B. Next race……. WOLFF PACK RUN…. Rick needs the win as the beard is driving him nuts!!!
Bridge County Raceway
August 1 - 2, 2009

Saturday started out alright with Rick winning a heat race and Cliff running quite well. Then..... Cliff's #87 Stock started having tranny problems that ended his night going up the hill and back to the pits not able to start the IMCA Stock Main Event.
Mike Elmer was back out this weekend and finished in the top 10 on Saturday with only minor problems, oil leaks & ball joints. The #20 of Don Elmer raced very well, but due to the aggressive driving of the #3 car he had some flat tires.
Rick lost the transmission in his #66 1/2 way thru the Main and had to pull off the track, giving him a 13th place finish on Saturday.
Hopefully Aaron's hand is healing well, he ended up in the ER after slicing his hand working on the 45B of Mike.
Cliff did some great driving in his #87 IMCA Modified, taking his first Mod Main Event Win when he beat out the #72 to win the B Main. AWESOME JOB Cliff!!!!!
Sunday was a "Work Day" with both the #87 and #66 changing transmissions, and thanks to Merle and Jesse Fitzpatrick changing springs and set-up on Ricky Bobby's #66.
The hard work paid off for the #66 as he won both a heat race and made an awesome pass on a green, white, checkered finish to win the Sunday night Main Event.
As for Cliff's #87, it was unfortunate that the transmission he got to put in his Stock was worse off than the one that was in it, so he parked his stock car and focused on the Modified.
Cliff did a GREAT job driving, but a 2 of the top IMCA drivers tried to spin him out during the C Main, with one being successful taking out both Cliff and himself out of the race for the rest of the day.
Rocky Mountain Raceway Park
August 8, 2008
Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day to go to The Rock!!!
The IMCA Stock Car count sucked.... Those "NO SHOW" Drivers really hurt those of us who do patronize all of our tracks. Some of the drivers have good excuses, but some just didn't show up and that is wrong.
The #98 of Ron M. broke really bad in the first heat, broke his tranny and rearend. Then Robby's #7 wouldn't start the main so we ended up with only 4 cars starting the Main Event. The race was awesome with Shabreena and her #67 leading nearly 1/2 way, until Wil and his #77 passed Rick and ended up spinning #67 out. Due to a black flag warning given to Wil, Rick was placed back in the front and finished right there... in the front of the pack. Cliff finished the race 3ed. ALong with the 1-2 finish in the 2nd Heat race. the #66 ended up with Top IMCA points for the night... but once again thanks to those drivers who chose to not show up, instead of the normal 40 points, Rick will only recieve 36 points.
Thanks Guys!!
Off to Medicine Hat, despite being rained out!!!
August 15, 2009
Well we ended up going to Medicine Hat regardless of the weather as Lacey's new puppy was being delivered from Saskatchewan.
Bella, a pure bred Great Dane, is quite the pup.
Bridge County Raceway
August 22, 2009
Back in Lethbridge tonight, and what a rough night it was. The track was overly wet, so very sloppy, slippery and dangerous. The 66 was having "valve issues" and ended up 4th in the 1st heat, 3rd in the second heat and 5th in the Main Event.
Sure hope next week goes better.
Medicine Hat Speedway
August 29, 2009
Rick says, Medicine Hat sucks!!!!
Still having trouble at this track. We thought we finally had it... when we lost the set up. Also didn't have very good tires.
Back here again next week.... Wish us luck!!!
Medicine Hat Speedway
September 5, 2009
Here we go again!!!!
Cliff didn't make the trip this time with his #87 IMCA Stock as this is a rain delayed race and he had already made plans to Derby it Up this weekend.
Rick's engine blew up in the 1st Heat race. Finally had enough, didn't even make it out for the autograph session. We loaded up and headed home.
We got home at about 1:00AM to find the shop full of people!!! Cliff and his friends built me a demo car, a Honda with a sunroof so that I could go play on Sunday without having to do too much.
Didn't do too well in the derby, but sure had fun. Mike Elmer and Steve ? ended up splitting the "mini" heat.
Thanks guys & girls!!! Much appreciated!!!
Bridge County Raceway
September 12, 2009
Today started out to be awesome!!! 1st in Heat one and 4th in Heat two, but we had an oil leak in the valve covers on the #66. Fixed it for the Main Event and started with the high points of the night to that point.
The new gasket blew out and I ended up in an oil fire!!! The safety crew put out the fire and sent me to the pits.
Bridge County Raceway
September 19, 2009
Another hard day in Lethbridge.....
FInished 2nd in Heat one, then Rick hit the wall in Heat 2. Then in the Main Event he spun out and got hit by the 98. The 66 had stalled til he got rear ended by Ron... Talk about a BUMP START!!!
No caution but Rick was sure sore. Then later, Cliff and Rick were racing for 2nd & 3rd when Cliff slowed down for tranny problems, Rick hit Cliff and bounced into Robby's #7. All 3 of them ended up on Pit Row and they all got back out before the green flag dropped again. On the last lap Rick spun again and this time the #45 of Kel "Mike" Rudy hit him in the front end. The car was thrashed!! Cliff finished 4th in the IMCA Stocks Main and raced the Mod AWESOME!!!!
Bridge County Raceway
September 26, 2009
A very close friend of ours, Jim Hutchinson, was buried today in Fernie after a tragic accident last Sunday.
Then we went racing in his honour. Rick raced hard finishing 2nd in both Heat races and 3rd in the Main Event. Good enough to get him the 40 for the night (High points). Brought home the promised trophy to Helen and the boys. RIP in Jim.... You will be sorely missed.
Today's racing moved Rick into 3rd place for the season at BCR and overall for the 2009 IMCA Season as well. Way to go Rick!!!
Cliff finished the BCR 2009 season in 6th place in his #87 Stock Car, also finished 6th overall for the 2009 IMCA Stocks season.
He drove his #87 IMCA Modified to a 5th place season finish which is awesome against all those veterans out there. He gained alot of respect this season. Way to go Son!!!
Next stop......... LAS VEGAS!!!! Duel in the Desert
November 12-14, 2009
Come join in the fun!!!!
Las Vegas Motor Speedway
November 12-14,2009